DHI Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that offers a natural and permanent solution for people experiencing hair loss or hair loss. Hair transplantation involves microsurgical transplantation of healthy hair follicles to areas where hair follicles are inactive or sparse. This process is applied to solve the problem of baldness and restore the natural appearance of the hair.

How is Hair Transplantation Done?

Hair transplantation typically involves the transfer of healthy hair follicles, usually from the donor area – the back or sides of the head – to the recipient area using microsurgical techniques. The donor area is typically unaffected by hair loss, providing healthy hair follicles.

The hair transplantation procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and can take several hours. Hair transplant surgeons meticulously place the hair follicles in the recipient area, taking into account the natural hairline and growth pattern to achieve natural-looking results. Modern hair transplantation techniques allow for the precise placement of individual hair follicles to achieve more natural outcomes.

Hair transplantation is generally performed using two main methods: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). In FUT, a

strip of skin is harvested from the donor area, and hair follicles are dissected from this strip. In FUE, individual hair follicles are extracted one by one and transplanted. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on the individual’s hair condition, expectations, and the surgeon’s preferences.

After hair transplantation, it may take several months for the hair to heal and new hair to grow. However, successful hair transplantation can result in natural-looking and permanent hair.

In conclusion, hair transplantation offers a natural and permanent solution for individuals experiencing hair loss or baldness. However, like any surgical procedure, hair transplantation carries certain risks, and it is important for suitable candidates to consult with a specialist.

Coolest Clinic, which provides services in the highest quality hospitals with certified and state-of-the-art equipment that complies with quality standards in all its operations, is also routinely inspected and approved by the Turkish Ministry of Health and various international platforms.