Gastric Balloon

Gastric Balloon

Gastric Balloon: Jumpstart Your Weight Loss Journey


Unlock the Possibilities of Gastric Balloon:

The gastric balloon, a non-surgical weight loss option, is designed to kickstart and support individuals on their weight loss journey. This minimally invasive procedure involves inserting a deflated balloon into the stomach, which is then inflated to reduce the available space for food, leading to decreased calorie intake and weight loss.


Procedure Overview:

The gastric balloon procedure begins with the insertion of the deflated balloon through the esophagus into the stomach. Once in place, the balloon is inflated with a sterile saline solution. This process makes the patient feel fuller faster, promoting portion control and healthier eating habits. The balloon remains in the stomach for a predetermined period before removal.


Key Advantages of Gastric Balloon:

Non-Surgical Approach: Gastric balloon is a non-surgical and reversible option for weight loss.

Short Recovery Time: The procedure is minimally invasive, resulting in a shorter recovery time.

Appetite Control: The balloon promotes a feeling of fullness, aiding in appetite control and behavioral changes.


Our Commitment to Excellence:

At our state-of-the-art facilities, our experienced medical team is committed to ensuring your safety, comfort, and satisfaction throughout the gastric balloon process. We provide comprehensive pre-procedural counseling and post-procedural support to enhance your weight loss experience.


Jumpstart Your Weight Loss Journey with Gastric Balloon:

Gastric balloon offers a non-surgical and effective way to initiate weight loss. Schedule a consultation with our expert medical professionals to explore how gastric balloon can jumpstart your weight loss journey. Take the first step towards a healthier and more confident you.

Coolest Clinic, which provides services in the highest quality hospitals with certified and state-of-the-art equipment that complies with quality standards in all its operations, is also routinely inspected and approved by the Turkish Ministry of Health and various international platforms.